What have I gotten myself into?

What have I done?  What am I doing? I woke up this morning at 5:30 am.  Not to get ready for work like I have for the past 15 years, but to get ready to start my day as a stay at home mom.  Yes, 5:30 am.  I have two amazing little boys with another one on the way.  As I turned my alarm off, I couldn’t help but think, “What have I gotten myself into?”.

I am 33 years old.  I’m married to my best friend; an incredibly supportive husband named Tyler.  We have two kids.  Mayson who is three and half years old, and Jackson who will be one in  10 days.  We also have another little boy due in October.  I’ve spent the last 15 years of my life working full time and the last 5 and a half years working for a company that doesn’t appreciate their employees.  I have a bachelors degree in science and a masters degree in business administration.  And I just quit my job to be a stay at home mom.


I’m literally five days in and I feel like I have no idea what I am doing.  I took a week between quitting my job and the kids quitting daycare to research, clean, prepare and rest before jumping into my new role.  I read “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode” by Crystal Paine (I highly recommend) which is about getting your home and life organized and about making the most out of each day.  I deep cleaned my entire house.  I created specific schedules with check-off lists.  I created a weekly meal schedule utilizing my fantastic “Anylist” app and I went as far as picking out all meals for the next five plus weeks.  I planned crafts and activities.  I prepared and organized to the best of my abilities and put my OCD into full force. But boy oh boy, I was still not prepared!


In the midst of all of this, my husband and I decided to open an Etsy shop.  So we’ve been working hard to set that up, create new products, pin them on Pinterest, make and operate a Facebook page and send out tweets on our Twitter account.  And if that wasn’t enough, I thought, “Hey, I have no experience writing or blogging, let me set up a blog to document my failures.  Er…. journey”. Ha!  Five days in and I work from 5:30 am until the kids go to bed between 7 and 7:30 pm.  And then I clean and set up for the next day.  I research for our new business adventure and I try to relax.




So again, what am I doing?  I have no clue.  I guess time will tell.  We will see how far my planning and preparation combined with what sense of humor I have will get me.  Please follow me on my new adventure as I conquer being a stay at home mom, a personal organizer and cleaner, a business owner and now blogger!

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Newly stay at home mom Out Of Normal, Illinois




2 thoughts on “What have I gotten myself into?

  1. RAM says:

    Well done ! Sounds like you made a well thought out choice and are on the right track !!!
    Looking forward to your updates with inspiration !!!


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